Sometimes it's hard to listen.
We all do it. We'll pretend to be listening to a parent, teacher, or friend, but really all we're thinking about is how to get our homework done super-fast or what we had for lunch on Saturday.
But what about your bestest friend? Would you just stop listening to her? That would be a little rude, wouldn't it?
I try to think of God as my bestest friend. He's always there, watching us through our trials and fears. For some of us, that's comforting. Sometimes, it seems a little creepy. But other times, do you push God to the back burner?
Sometimes, I regret to say, I do not listen to God. He'll be trying to tell me something, like a little thought that keeps nudging at my heart, but I'll push it to the side and keep moving on with my daily life like He's not important at all.
But He's the most important person of all!
You would think that it wouldn't be too hard to remember what He's done for us - brought us into the world, died for our sins, given us mercy and grace. But all too often, I do forget. And that's when I need to sit still and just listen for Him.
Do you have a quiet time to talk to God? If so, that's terrific. But remember, God is your friend. It's okay to tell your troubles to him, but remember that a friend will give responses to your conversation. Take time to listen for Him just as much as you talk. After all, sometimes it's annoying when a friend dominates a conversation, right?
I go on long walks to listen for God. Being in his creation makes me feel closer than ever to Him, and sometimes, especially when I'm feeling troubled, I hear His answer for my problem.
Take some time this week to listen for your Father. Love Him like a best friend.
--Mary Catherine
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Bloom! Staff Behind the Scenes :: A Link-Up
Hello, Bloom! friends! This is Hannah M, a staff 1 photographer. Recently, Kyann and I have been working to create a fun "getting to know you" event for the Bloom! Staff...and today we're excitedly presenting "Bloom! Staff Behind the Scenes". (I feel like I should write something like "eep!" here, but I'm not quite sure how that would look. So we'll leave it at that.)
Here's some background...for a long time now, I've had it in the back of my mind that I really wanted to get to know my fellow Bloom! Staff members better, and that a fun way to do it would be to have some sort of blog-hop, with a questionnaire for the staff to fill out on their blogs. As it turned out, Kyann had had a similar idea...and towards the beginning of the year we started planning a fun staff link-up.
Before words such as "blog-hop" and "questionnaire" begin to repel you, please realize that this really isn't one of those annoying tags/blog party things that I know many bloggers (me included) tend to avoid. Instead, this is a way to get to know your fellow staff members muchmuchmuch better - and, isn't that exciting? Well, it is for me, at least...though I'm pretty easily amused. ;-)
moving along, here are the rules and how we're working it:
-All Staff Members are encouraged, though not required, to participate. This is a "staff only" event though...hopefully, we'll provide something fun for our Bloom! fans in the future!
-Post the questions and your answers on your blog and link up to the linky at the bottom of this post. If you don't have a blog of your own, you're welcome to use the staff blog....but please use your own blog otherwise.
-Somewhere in your post, include the following sentences (or write a similar paragraph in your own words):
Bloom! Magazine is an online, Christian magazine for tween and teen girls. It is geared towards 11-20 year old young ladies. It features inspiring articles, recipes, an advice column with questions from our subscribers, amazing interviews, and much, much more in each issue! If you are interested in subscribing to Bloom! Magazine, visit today! You won't regret it!This will really help to spread the word about the magazine, so thank you.
-Somewhere in your post, please include the link-up button...which should be available to you shortly. (If you post it before the button is out, you can add it later once we have it ready.) We'll put it towards the top of this post once we have it, alrighty?
-Somewhere in your post, share a picture of yourself. If you'd like to include several pictures to go along with your answers, go right ahead!
-Please visit and comment on at least FIVE other links, if not more. You're more than welcome to pursue and follow any of these blogs if inclined.
-You have 3 weeks - until March 19 - to join. This provides y'all plenty of time to think through your answers and find time to link up.
and, here are the questions to answer:
1. Your blogging name, age/birthday (if you're allowed to reveal it on blogger), location (as detailed as allowed) and Bloom! staff position: (also - this is a great place to share your picture!)
2. How many siblings do you have and what are their names/ages?
3. How are you educated (homeschool, private school, public school, etc)?
4. What denomination of Christian are you? What are your personal Christian beliefs, in a nutshell? (Realize that I'm definitely NOT trying to start any debates about Christianity here, so be charitable while answering this question or commenting on others' answers.)
5.What are some of your hobbies - such as sports, musical instruments, artistic talents, etc.
6. Describe your personality in a few sentences:
7. Do you consider yourself more of a girly-girl or a tomboy? Or somewhere in between?
8. Picture yourself ten years from now. What will you be doing, where will you be living, etc?
9. What is some of your favorite books? Favorite movies? Favorite foods?
10. What got you interested in becoming a part of Bloom?
11. What's one way - or more - that you've been blessed, inspired, and/or challenged through becoming a part of Bloom?
12. What is your favorite thing about Bloom! as well as one thing you would like to see improved behind-the-scenes?
13. What brings you inspiration?
14. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? Who would you take with you and how long would you stay?
15. What's your favorite dessert/treat?
16. Coffee, tea, or soda?
17. What's your favorite color combination? Or combinations? ;-)
18. What's your favorite time of year? What about least favorite?
19. Would you rather have one very close best friend or a group of close friends?
20. Who is a role model for you in your life today (could be your mom, grandma, family friend, celebrity, etc.)?
21. Share a favorite quote or Bible verse. Why is it your favorite?
22. What is one thing that you've been trying to accomplish in 2011?
23. What is one way (or more!) that you are trying to strengthen your relationship with Jesus right now?
you can link on up below! If you'd like to see a "demonstration" post, know that I will have mine up shortly.
Have a blessed day, friends! We're so looking forward to seeing your links and getting to know you better!
Hannah (& Kyann, too...she's been such a big help for this!)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Never The Same Missions Trip 2011
Hi, girls! I'm just wondering if anyone is going on the Never The Same Missions Trip to Ecuador this summer. I'm considering going and it would be super awesome if we could meet each other there (if you're going!)! :) Has anyone been before? I'd love to hear all about it.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
A New Design
I know it's way past Valentines Day, but as a graphic designer, I love making new designs, and this is one that I made mainly for Valentines' Day. What do you think?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Please Come Vote for me!
Hey everyone! My name is Jordan(most of you know me as Jo Bekah) and I'm a Staff 1 photographer for the magazine.I entered a contest because I'm wanting to expand my knowledge of photography and would appreciate a vote from you girls!
Here is the info:
Here is the info:
I entered to win a Photography Mentoring(online workshop) from France Photography.
Come over and vote for me! Names are listed in Alphabetical order - Find "Jordan Eaks" click on the circle to choose - then scroll to the bottom and click "done" to vote!
Thanks everyone! It's appreciated!
Want to know more about what you are voting for?
Click Here!
Let me know if you vote because if I win I'm going to have a HUGE giveaway on my blog - for my followers and clients!
Let me know if you vote because if I win I'm going to have a HUGE giveaway on my blog - for my followers and clients!
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