Monday, October 18, 2010

The Window to the Soul Photo Challenge

Dear Sirs and Madams,
     I am pleased to announce that a pleasant blogger friend, Allie, and I are co-hosting a photography contest! It is called The Window to the Sould Photo Challenge, due to this Yiddish proverb...

The eyes are the windows to the soul.

Below are the rules and the buttons; go to my blog or Allie's (link above) to enter.

1. The theme is EYES; the photograph can be of anything with eyes; the more focus on the eyes, the better.

2. You can enter up to three photographs in the contest.

3. They can be edited, but please specify how if possible.

4. One way to enter is to e-mail Allie at

5. The other and likely most convenient way to enter is to post your photos on your blog, and comment on one of our blogs with the link.

6. If you do the latter method mentioned above, leave a comment on ONLY ONE of our blogs; NOT both.

7. There will be first, second, and third places, along with three honorable mentions.

8. We will judge by what pictures are the most creative, clear, picturesque, and eye-focused; NOT on favoritism toward the photographer.

9. We'd love it if you'd take one or both of the buttons,  post about the contest, and/or tell your friends!

10. Enter as soon as possible; we don't want you to forget!

11. Have Fun!!!!

12. (Lots of it!)

The contest started the 14th and ends on the 29th!
In case you are wondering about the prize, we have it planned but have not discussed whether to tell now or not is a surprise! Please enter, and as soon as possible!

Amy Hollis

The Window To The Soul Photo Challenge


The Window To The Soul Photo Challenge

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm having a blog contest too!
Please check it out!