Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to tell you that my photography contest ends tomorrow and I would really like you all the enter! Have a great Tuesday!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

CIY: Durango, CO

Hey, girls! It's me, KyAnn. Just wondering: Does anyone have any plans to attend CIY (Christ In Youth) summer camp in Durango, CO?
I thought it'd be super awesome if there was some of our girls there so we could meet each other!

Bon après-midi, amies!

Hello! My name is Allison. I'm a photographer on Staff 2 . . . and, like everyone else, I'm ecstatic about it and the fact that our first issue has come out looking spectacular and amazing. I'm also a servant of the Most High God, a sinner saved by His grace.
My favorite color is the color of the sky; my favorite time of day is when the stars are out; my favorite songs are a hymn called "Be Thou my Vision" and a song called "W
onderful, Merciful Savior."
I am fascinated with history in general and ancient Egypt, the W
ar Between the States and the Reign of Terror/French Revolution in particular.
I love to write any kind of teen fiction; I can't get enough of it, and someday I am going to get a book (or, preferably, many books) published. I also love photography, and editing my pictures on Picnik. If I were choosing a career, it would be a combination of both, but my dream is to be a wife and a stay-at-home mother, a light of Christ; and they will be a side-note in my life, not the focus. I pray that glorifying God and serving my family will always be my focus!

For His glory,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Picture' em Photography Contest

Hey everyone! I having a photography contest over at my photography blog and would love you all to enter!


How To Enter:
You can post three pictures on your blog. They can be edited and must be taken by you. Then leave a link though a comment.

Contest ends next week, September 28th.

There will be a button for the 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place winners

My New Blog!

Hello! I have created a new blog. It is currently called "Quotation Marks" but it might very well change in the future. I'll simply post some quotations every other day or somewhere around there. HERE's the link. Of course, I don't have any followers yet, but I'd love to! This is more of a beneficial opportunity for YOU because it's {almost} a quote of the day. Though I'm sure many of you have something similar on your blogs....please check it out!
-Amy H.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hearts Journey Photography Contest!

Hey Guys,
My name is Jessi and I had a photography contest on my blog. I would really like it if you guys would go and vote on which pictures you like. A few girls from the Bloom! Staff submitted some pictures.  Thanks guys!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey ya'll! Seeing all the online magazines for christian girls has encouraged me to start my own! It's still a bit disorganized, but I am trying to fix it! I need staff, too!



Friday, September 17, 2010

What Did You Think?

Hey, girls! I want to know what all of you thought of the first issue. I want your honest thoughts-what you loved, what you didn't like, what you want to see in the next issue, etc.

Also, do you have any ideas for articles or columns you would like to see in future issues? Do you have any interview ideas?

I really want to hear your thoughts! This is your chance to tell us what you would like to see! ;)

Bloom! Magazine Editor

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's astounding!!!

Oh my goodness! The magazine is AMAZING!!!! I can't believe you guys did it!!
Thank you so much, KyAnn, for starting it! It's been so much fun.
God has really worked through this magazine, hasn't He?
I can't wait 'til it's my turn! ;)


Great Job!!!!!

I just wanted to say GREAT JOB to everyone who worked on the first issue because it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GREAT! =) God worked though each and everyone of you! Awesome job!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Issue Comes Tomorrow!

Hey girls and fellow readers and writers and photographers!

I just wanted to say that I think we should all give a shout out to KyAnn for organizing this whole thing. None of this would be here without her! She had an amazing vision for this magazine and now we all get to see it tomorrow. How cool is that? All of our hard work in one place. That's such a God-thing. Christian teen girls influencing Christian teen girls - that's what it's all about, don't you think? I'm pretty sure God is smiling down at us all right now. Don't forget that he loves us all!

--Mary Catherine

Bloom! Staff Writer

Monday, September 13, 2010

What's In Your Soul/Sole!

Hey Guys!
So I went to a Catholic Media camp last month and we worked on a video to help the Christians in the Holy Land. If you have ever seen the "What's In My Purse" videos on YouTube you will understand the beginning of this video. We are trying to get people to show us their soul/sole instead of their purses and to get people praying for the Christians in the Holy Land. So please make a video response or share!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

An awesome giveaway!

Hello friends!
My pal Grace is having a giveaway. She'll be announcing the winner tomorrow, so get your entry in tomorrow! Click HERE and it should be the second post down, unless she posts again! Aren't the scarves beautiful?
-Amy Hollis

Written September 11: Thank you for the entry in my contest, Emily P. I got them and you can head on over to my blog, amyhollistaylor.blogspot.com (it's on the list ~Life Through the Left Window ->) to see how you did and the prizes!
I can invite you to be a temporary writer for my blog, but I'll need your e-mail address. You need to be a member on Bloom! for me to send you a message, I think. My parents don't want me to post my e-mail address on blogs, you see.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

100 Subscribers Giveaway!!

Hey, girls! I have some exciting news! As of today, September 8, 2010, we have 107 subscribers!!!!! This is so exciting! Thank you to each and every one of you! ;) 

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we are having a giveaway since we reached 100 subscribers. Nicole O'Dell, a wonderful Christian author, has offered to give away books 1-4 of her Scenarios for Girls series. Nicole also has a radio show called Teen Talk Radio which I will be featured on for about 10-15 minutes on September 30, be sure to check it out!  

Anyone, even staff members, are eligible to enter this contest.

Here's how to enter to win books 1-4 of the Scenarios for Girls series:
-Become a subscriber, it counts if you are already a subscriber, too! (1 entry)
-Blog, Facebook, or Tweet about Bloom! Magazine (1 entry per thing you do)
-Put the Bloom! Magazine button up on your blog (2 entries)
To put the Bloom! button up on your blog, follow the instructions here
-Become a follower of our staff blog (1 entry)

Please leave a separate comment for each thing that you do.

This contest starts today, September 8, and ends September 29.

Good luck!

Bloom! Magazine Editor

Monday, September 6, 2010

Something Beautiful Photography Contest!

Hello, girls! Rachel here. I have made up all the rules for this contest, as well as a name, and chosen the theme. I have decided that this will end on September 20th, exactly two weeks from now. I figured that that amount of time was not to little, and not too much. So, what you have to do to help me do this? Well, first of all, in advance, thank you to anyone who helps me!!! All you have to do is copy and paste the following rules and such into a new post on your blog, titleing it: "Something Beautiful Photography Contest" When the contest is over, I will select ONE photo from each contestants entry, and post them on my blog. Then, I will give ya'll the link to that post, and you can judge. And, when someone leaves a link to their entries, please, leave a comment so that they know they were entered! Oh, the FIRST THREE people that post about this will be judges. So, here is what you copy and paste: If this doesn't make sense, please comment!

Something Beautiful Photography Contest:

Hi! I am helping host a photography contest with my online friends! Please read the rules and enter!

Post four pictures on your blog. Be sure to leave a link back to this blog.
Come back to this blog, and leave a link to that post. Leave the link in a comment.
You will recieve a comment on that post so that you know we saw your entries!

You may only enter four photos.
They can be edited, please say how you edited them.
Photos must be your own, taken by YOU.
Photos must follow the theme.


This contest will end on September 20th, 2010. It starts today! Please enter and tell your friends!

There will be: ONE First place winner
And: ONE Second place winner
The winners each will recieve a pretty button saying that they won.

When this contest ends, Rachel will select one photo from each contestants entries and will post those on her blog! You can check them out, while the judges choose two photos out of that selection!
So, get entering! You will get a comment on your post so that you know your entry has been seen. :)

Who will help?

Hi ya'll! So, who will help me with the photography contest? If you would like to, please comment!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Interview Complete

Hey girls. Its Ashley Jean again. I've been posting about interviewing some teen girls and Allie, one of the staff members was the first to be interviewed on my blog. Go check it out here don't forget to leave a sweet comment :) Also I am going to be doing 2 more interviews very soon.

If your still interested in being interviewed just email me. I got different questions for each girl!

-Ashley Jean

I thought if would be fun if...

Hey ya'll! I hosted a Modest Fashion Contest on my blog a little while ago, but no one entered, well, another girl hosted it with me, and she got a few entries. I thought it would be kinda fun if we all hosted a Photography Contest together. I could write the rules, you post them on your blog, then we gather up all the entries and choose a winner? And we can all judge, too. What do you think? Bad idea? I was just thinking if we all co hosted this together, we could get a decent amount of entries from all of our blogs put togther? Tell me what you think!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Interview Questions

Don't worry if you want to be interviewed and haven't left a comment on the previous post I will still interview you. I am willing to do as many interviews as needed.
Again, if you didn't leave a comment you can still email me with your answers.
I am so happy to see that four of you want to be interviewed! If it comes down to you all wanting to be interviewed I will do more than just 3 interviews. No doubt.

These are the questions.- with a little more info at the bottom
When did you decide to become a photographer?
What does photography mean to you?
Can you recall the first photo you took that made you go WOW!?
How does your personality change when you look through the camera?
How much time a day do you spend taking photos?
Who or what or where would you love to shoot that you haven't already?
What other thoughts would you like to share?
Do you have a favorite friend or sibling you enjoy taking photos of?
What program do you edit your photos on? Tell me a little about it.
How long have you loved photography?
I am guessing your very familiar with i heart faces, whats your favorite face photo?
What do you find the most challenging thing about photography?
What would you like to be doing in 5 years from now?
Best piece of advice you have been given?
Why did you choose to blog about your photography?

Do you have any website(s) you would like me to link to from this interview?
Photography blog:

Any other info you want to share?

Please attach 6 or more photos of your work (watermarked is optional)
A photo (or two) of yourself (optional)
Please. Copy and paste what is above and e-mail your answers and photos to-  a.jeanphotography@yahoo.com please. Take your time there is no due date. I will be sure to keep you updated (through email) on when your interview will become public. If you have any questions just leave a comment or email me :) Thanks!

Ashley Jean  my blog- http://photographybyashleyjean.blogspot.com/

Friday, September 3, 2010

Interviewing a photographer!

I think I have the right to post about this... But first you should get to know me. My name is Ashley Jean. I will be 14 years old this month. I live in Iowa with my dad, mom and 2 brothers. Along with another brother, moved out with his family of 5. I am a huge Christian and love photography. I enjoy reading, dancing, blogging, and taking pictures. I am so happy to be part of the bloom staff and you can find my photography blog here. Ok now back to the interview :)

I have come to the interest of interviewing a photographer. I have been wanting to do this but now I am really up to it. I have thought of many questions to ask. Prayed. Hoped. Thought more. And prayed much more.

 Things you should know before the questions come--
-The interview will be featured on my blog and can be featured on your photography blog if you want.
-I have a wide variety of questions you must answer at least 10 of them I already have 15+ questions. The questions are just about your photography (nothing is very personal)
-I will interview any of you if you have a public source (to your photos) on the internet for me to link to
-I will need at least 6 photos of your work and will except more :)

If you have any interest in this interview please just comment telling me so. If I get a comment or two or even more I will post the questions on a separate post on this blog. Just so you can see the questions then email me the answers if your interested :) I really hope to be able to interview one or two (maybe three) of you young ladies this is a huge opportunity for myself.

Ashley Jean

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Friends

I thought it would be fun to tell you guys about my best friends, Kala (pronounced Kayla) and Katrina! Well, here goes:

Kala! :)
Kala is 16, and she is homeschooled just like me! Even though she hasn't been homeschooled all of her life, she still loves it. I've known Kala since I was six years old. We met when I first started going to her church. She is a bit quiet, but once you get to know her, she is a lot of fun to be around! She loves music, and she takes clogging. She also enjoys acting (as do I!).  Her family is from Alabama, and her older sister (Jordan, who is also a really great friend of mine!) just recently moved there, taking an internship with a place called The Ramp. Kala is a wonderful, kind, and loving friend, and she is like my sister and will be forever. <3

Left: Me   Right: Katrina

Katrina is 12 years old (13 in December!), and she attends a private, Christian school. Katrina is a funny & outgoing person, and she knows how to make me laugh! She enjoys sports, and is a tom-boy through and through. She goes to the same church as Kala, which is where I met her. I did not get to know her at first like I did Kala, because at the time she was only 4 years old and she attended the preschool classes at the church. Katrina loves watching movies, and at the moment, her favorites are the six Star Wars movies!! (which is due to me, because I persuaded her to watch them, all 6 of them, when she was at my house once. She was hooked!)  :) Katrina and I are very close, and tell each other all our secrets, not having to be worried if the other will 'spill the beans'. We understand each other, and help each other with problems and such. Katrina, like Kala, is like a sister to me, and forever will be. <3

This is a really old picture, but I love it! <3


Perhaps this is old news....

Hello, wonderful fellow staff members! Maybe you've heard this before, but I'm having a photography contest over at my blog...

It's on the sidebar; it's ~Life Through the Left Window.

Any way, I'm not sure if we're supposed to just get on here anytime and write a post, but I think it's okay!

I've been going through a lot of changes (it is my first contest) and you may have seen the rules earlier. Here they are as they will stand:

*It's called A [Slightly Odd] Photography Contest

*The subject is seating (that's where the odd part comes in)

*You can enter up to three photos

*If you have my email address, it'd be best to e-mail the pictures directly to me; if not, just post them on your blog and let me know

*There will be a runner-up and a winner, and likely some honorable mentions

*The FINAL (believe, there's been plenty) deadline is a week from now, September 9

Now, that may seem like short notice, but I started August 20 and have three entries. Please enter!

With joy and my computer,

Amy Hollis

I need....

Hi ya'll! If there are anymore people that are on the staff, but have not been invited to join this blog, please, leave a comment WITH your email address, or email me at rachel.hipps12@gmail.com so that I can invite you! Thanks! 
So it's probably to late but I have idea for the Sept. issue. I was thinking it would be nice to have an arictle about how to prepare for school for homeschoolers. I know I would like to read that, but it's just an idea.