Sunday, September 5, 2010

I thought if would be fun if...

Hey ya'll! I hosted a Modest Fashion Contest on my blog a little while ago, but no one entered, well, another girl hosted it with me, and she got a few entries. I thought it would be kinda fun if we all hosted a Photography Contest together. I could write the rules, you post them on your blog, then we gather up all the entries and choose a winner? And we can all judge, too. What do you think? Bad idea? I was just thinking if we all co hosted this together, we could get a decent amount of entries from all of our blogs put togther? Tell me what you think!


Hannah Rose Beasley said...

I think that's a great idea! I'm not on the Bloom staff, but I think it would really work - and you might be able to get a good number of people to participate! =)

Amy said...

Good idea! I'm actually in the middle of a contest myself, but it ends on the ninth. You could enter if you'd like. I'd be glad to post the rules!
-Amy Hollis

allie k reid said...

I think that's a great idea! I would for sure help you out! :)

Rachel Hipps said...

Awesome! As soon as I get at least six girls who would like to help me out, I will start "advertising!" And if I get more than six girls (which I hope I will!), awesome!