Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bon après-midi, amies!

Hello! My name is Allison. I'm a photographer on Staff 2 . . . and, like everyone else, I'm ecstatic about it and the fact that our first issue has come out looking spectacular and amazing. I'm also a servant of the Most High God, a sinner saved by His grace.
My favorite color is the color of the sky; my favorite time of day is when the stars are out; my favorite songs are a hymn called "Be Thou my Vision" and a song called "W
onderful, Merciful Savior."
I am fascinated with history in general and ancient Egypt, the W
ar Between the States and the Reign of Terror/French Revolution in particular.
I love to write any kind of teen fiction; I can't get enough of it, and someday I am going to get a book (or, preferably, many books) published. I also love photography, and editing my pictures on Picnik. If I were choosing a career, it would be a combination of both, but my dream is to be a wife and a stay-at-home mother, a light of Christ; and they will be a side-note in my life, not the focus. I pray that glorifying God and serving my family will always be my focus!

For His glory,


Anonymous said...

I really like picnic too.

Emily Ann Putzke said...

me three!

Allison said...

It's sweet. I don't know where my life was before I found it . . .